Wednesday 1 February 2012

Preliminary Task

This task was to shoot a scene of:
1. A character opening a door, crossing a room
2. Sitting down in a chair opposite another character
3. The two characters exchange a couple of lines of dialogue

For ours, we did me, walking through a corrdior then through some doors and into an office where the other character is sitting. We exchange lines of dialogue and thats about it. But when it came to edit it, we noticed that we had broken the 180 degree rule which we never noticed or even thought about when filming so we have now learnt our lesson and will be sure not to break it next time. 
When it came to edit though, we had a good use of Match on Action. We used in when I was walking down the corridor and past the camera then cut straight to a handheld shot behind me that followed me into the office. We used shot/reverse shot when the 2 characters spoke to each other within the office and with the camera angles and editing, we kept eye-line match between the 2 characters. 

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